2023 Kent Craft Beer Fest


The Kent Jaycees are thrilled to announce that the fifth annual Kent Craft Beer Fest will be held in-person on Saturday, May 20, 2023 from 2-6 p.m. (VIP at 1pm) in downtown Kent, Ohio.

VIP ticket holders will have early access to the event starting at 1 p.m. Enjoy an afternoon sampling craft beers from many local Ohio Breweries and eating delicious food from local restaurants and food trucks.

All profits from the festival are donated back to local community organizations through the Kent Jaycees young professional organization.

Interested in joining this event as a brewery, food vendor, sponsor or a volunteer? Please email craftbeerfest@kentjaycees.com for more information.

More information to come about breweries, food vendors, sponsors and event details. For regular updates about the Kent Craft Beer Fest, make sure to like the Kent Jaycees on Facebook and follow the Kent Craft Beer Fest’s event page. Stay tuned!

Our Event Sponsor

Our VIP Sponsor

Our Other Awesome Sponsors

Participating Breweries (More Being Added Weekly!)

2023 Kent Craft Beer Fest Breweries